THE FUHRMAN TAPES When working on her screenplay, screenwriter Laura Hart McKinny interviewed Detective Mark Fuhrman to gather first- hand-information about policework. Although she was writing a fictional story, she wanted to base it on reality. During these taped conversations, Fuhrman made numerous racial remarks and also talked about framing people and planting evidence. Judge Ito ruled that only two parts of these conversations were admissible, two parts where Fuhrman used the so-called "N-word". Detective Fuhrman is the officer who jumped the gate to Simpsonīs property and later found the bloody glove. Here are some excerpts of the tapes: ... When I left, Dana goes, "No blood, Mark." "No problem. Not even any Marks, Dana." Just body shots. Did you ever try to find a bruise on a Nigger? It is pretty tough, huh? ... We stopped the choke because a bunch of Niggers have a bunch of these organizations in the South End and because all Niggers were choked out and killed - twelve in ten years. Really extraordinary, isnīt it? ... First thing, anything out of a Niggerīs mouth for the first five or six sentences is a lie. That is just right out. There has got to be a reason why he is going to tell you the truth. END